Case Details

Below is listed the focus of each client's case.
Forte Consulting
During a piping operation, a critical error was made by not leaving the site in a safe condition.
National Environmental Law Center
Fire protection failure, valuation on NFPA-25 Involved plant walk down including issuing a detailed report discussion NFPA-25 violation concerning inspections.
Freeman Mathis & Gary, LLP
HVAC case involving a design error on
a high-rise building. HVAC components were not placed in the correct place.
Polsinelli PC, Polsinelli LLP
Asbestos case involved Contractor worked at
Bechtel Plant.
Committee for Public Counsel Services
Accident concerning hot water failure.
Fredrikson & Byron P.A.
Asbestos case involved Contractor worked at Sargent Lundy Plant.
Cleveland Construction, Inc.
Plumbing failure on high rise building.
Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP
Dispute over the Piping design and analysis and
the installation of Pipe Supports.
Kotz Sangster Wysocki P.C.
Dispute over the design, fabrication, installation of Pipe Supports.
Fredrikson & Byron P.A.
Involved workers being exposed to asbestos on Sargent & Lundy designed power plants.
Mansell Engel & Cole
Involved seismic evaluation on high riser piping After an earthquake failed piping and cause damage to building.
Chamberlain, Hrdlicka, White,
Williams & Aughtry
Dispute over the design, fabrication, installation and Transportation of a 20 ft. diameter 200 ft. long Spliter Vessel Column.
Fredman & Feiger, LLP
Dispute over a V-log Stack which was part of a valve that was installed in the Shin-Kori Nuclear Power Plant in South Korea.
Edward Shapira Law
Building structure not in compliance with
building code, performed structural analysis.
Micolaides, Fink ,Thorpe. Michaelides, Sullivan LLP
Grinnell Valves Containing Asbestos. Dispute involved the exposure of asbestos due to the repair, fabrication, installation and maintenance of all types of Grinnell Valves.
Pinsent Masons MPillay LLP
Dispute over the price of fabricated steel and pipe support on a major oil refinery.
K & L Gates LLP
Crane Valves Containing Asbestos. The dispute involved the exposure of asbestos due to the repair, fabrication, installation, and maintenance of all types of Grinnell Valves.
Kahrs, Nelson, Fanning, Hite & Kellogg
Retained as expert witness to perform evaluation on underground piping load bearing insulation failure. Issue with construction delays due to insulation replacement.
Bollinger, Ruberry & Garvey
Scope included reviewing the integrity of the structural steel on the Marble Hill Project and product failure. Expert opinions included Project Management, Construction delays, Structural steel integrity, and Code compliance. Also reviewed the design of the ductwork to
precipitator for design Errors & Omissions.
O'Melveny & Myers
Retained as technical experts to support rate cases. Testified as an expert witness for piping and pipe support issues to the Public Utility Commission. Project overruns due to changes in ASME regulation.
Snell & Wilmer
Retained as technical experts to support overall rate case, pipe support, construction issues, etc. Testified as an expert witness.
Kirkland & Ellis
Retained as a technical expert for review of the effect of Mark II changes on the design of the reactor during litigation.
Siegel, Kelleher & Kahn
Retained as a technical expert to support gas well accident which injured two people. The case involved structural steel failure.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
Prepared for Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (ASLB) hearings for granting of the operating license to Comanche Peak Nuclear Station.
Provided testimony at hearings.
Womble, Carlyle, Sandridge and Rice
Retained as an expert witness on a storage tank failure. Provided expert testimony relating to tank design adequacy.
Weston Hurd Fallon Paisley & Howley
Retained as an expert witness on a safety valve failure in a high-pressure steam piping system which resulted in the death of three people.
Pepe & Hazard
Patent infringement case involving an industrial door hinge design. Retained as an expert witness.
Foley & Lardner
Retained as an expert witness to perform an evaluation on pressure vessel analysis and attachments.
Morrison, Mahoney & Miller
Retained as an expert witness to perform an evaluation on the design and construction of building structures.
Murphy & Beane
Retained as an expert witness to perform an evaluation on pressure piping failures at Major Power Plant.
Nixon & Peabody
Performed evaluation on piping & manhole failure. Issued expert report.
Fox & Rothschild
Retained as an expert to present case to the Springfield school district for tax assessment appeal on Limerick power plant.
Subrogation Partners
Accidents involving hot water heaters, space heaters, dryers and stoves.
Trafton & Matzen
Accident involving a safety belt. Improperdesign of safety buckles led to falls from a tree.
Clark, Bablboni & Gildea
Accident involving a gas grill explosion..
Kydd & Backman
Wall steamer case, Kathleen Potter VS Rental Of Boston, Stant Enterprises.
Liberty Mutual Group
Rhode Island Power Plant fire, due to welding on plant outer structure.
David Malik, Attorney At Law
Pressure reducing valve failure during repair activities.
Mintz, Levin, Cohn & Ferris
Freezing/water loss. Line to humidifier froze and burst, damaging dwelling and contents.
Steven Malove, Attorney At Law
Case involved a power plant accident. Pipe failed and injured a number of personnel.
1. First colonial Metro-Sprinkler
2. Sprinkler head failure - Primo Pizza
3. RI Power plant fire- due to welding
4. Exeter hospital vs Hutterconstruction
5. Murphy Center water leak
6. Gloucester plumbing leak
7. Christina Kreger vs New England
8. Thomas Arszak vs Walton
9. Queen Ann Apt Complex
10. Mountain lake Tower failure
11. Kelly vs Morarity
12. Mc Neill Plumbing
13. Elita Kane Edgartown
14. Harper College v Martin Petersen
15. Logan vs Heritage Amusement
16. Baltazar Contractor- building damage
vibration equipment
17. Samson Plastic
18. Marriott Inspection
19. Wakefiled Inspection
20. America at 1st.